Banter? I just met her...
An old friend from film school just sent me a letter. He also sent me an old 45" I apparently let him borrow 8 years ago. Clarence "Frogman" Henry's "Ain't Got No Home." I don't even remember giving it to him, yet he sent it back to me. That explains the kind of person he is. He and I made a documentary together in 1995 called One Man's Life, about a convicted murderer serving a 30 year sentence at the Oregon State Prison. Co taught me pretty much everthing I know about production and shit. He would never acknowledge it, but his style of storytelling affected me and inspired me to attempt to tell my own stories, however lame they consistently are. He sent me a copy of his new feature called "Decrypter." I have watched the first 20 minutes but had to stop it because I was at work. So far it is better than 95% of the schlock that I have seen over the years. So go check it here. You'll dig it.
Dead people's voices are heard better
Sometimes by going too far we do not go far enough
My folks are flying in tonight and I am looking forward to a fantastic Thanksgiving
so much to write, so little written
an unexpectedly good start to a Monday...
Bill Clinton jumped all over Peter Jennings last night when he told President C. that he did, in fact, care about what the media said about him. I agree with Clinton. The media is the anti-christ. But that new show, Desperate Housewives, is not included in the "media."
Monday 6am PDX,
The old man halfway back the switchback line, 'Jesus people, there is an open counter right there!' The Alaska rep managing the line scowls at him. He stands right behind me. I am next. 'Go man, there are three open counters!' I stay put and wait for the agent to tell me where to go. I was on time. Old man walks right in front of me to the next counter. 'Sir, I believe I was next.' 'Well, you're just standing there so I'm going.' The Alaskan agent tells him to calm down and I politely tell him to chill the fuck out. The agent begins to leave and states, 'If you need any help just let me know.' Whereas the old man says as I stand right next to him, 'This guy could use some help for sure.' I bit my tongue and got my boarding pass. The old man is alerted by the ticket agent that his seat has been given to someone else due to the tardiness of his arrival. I picked up my bag and slowly walked away wishing the old man a safe flight.
I'm off to Portland for the weekend. I may be back
How can a judge tell a jury they really shouldn't be hung and they need to go deliberate some more until someone concedes and finds either guilty or not guilty? Isn't that, like, why we have juries? If they cannot agree after six moths is it in the judges best interest to tell the jury they have to come to a verdict? Isn't a hung jury indeed a verdict? Is that legal for him to do? It seems like the judge is buckin' for a promotion and if the jury hangs it reflects badly on him. But jesus, there is a man's life at stake here. Can a judge do that? I mean other than in Kangaroo court
This ad is being removed from buses in New York City citing it is demeaning to women.
So yesterday I was watching Bush at a press conference and one of the reporters asked him if he had anything to say about Yassar Arafat's death. Hence I thought he was dead, therefore mentioning it on my blog. But he is not dead. The reporter who said it should be. My apologies...the Management
No baseball, no politics. What the hell are we suppossed to do now? Did you hear Arafat died? Commence warring
Social issues? What are those? This iron fist feels so good at the end of my arm. I like to crush stuff with it...
November second is a day of change
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San Francisco, California, United States
fishin' with firearms