Banter? I just met her...
"...Let me reinterate..."
---GW bush---
"But i believe in this - it's been tested by research
That he who fucks nuns will later join the church"
---joe strummer 'Death or Glory'---
Oh Banter, I have not been avoiding you. I am not mad at you, don't hang your head. I have been so busy at work that I do not even have time to send my friend's e-mails...But I did buy you Just don't ask me what to do with it...I said don't ask...
I think it's funny that the Gropenator said, and repeated "Close the Border" at a luncheon speech yesterday. Then the next day he says he misspoke and the press just dropped it. I mean, is there no such thing as accountibility anymore? Of course there isn't.
All right. Something bad is going to happen to me. Everything just keeps getting better for me that I know a piano is going to fall on my head and squish me. But for now...HELL YESSS!!!
Yesterday was the best day I have had in I can't remember how long. I cried tears of joy more than once.
The Pixies on PBS.
what's up with the Wolfs of the World Bank...
While engulfed in a programme explaining the incredible resistance of the CCR5 gene, delta 32, and how it's carriers were spared from the black death because of the presence of this gene, "Dr. Richard Titball" is introduced with his title in text on screen. From this point on, I laughed my balls off.
I bought some luxury accomodations for my video stuff and now I am hoping to invent the internets. It's wicked techhie over there though...
I have always become less productive as soon as the days become longer and the night's become shorter. I think more sunlight later is a synapse juvenator to debauch more and work less. So deabuch like the wind, fools.
the pope is still dead
Minor league basebal had 38 players suspended for testing positive for steroids this week.
For the last 2 weeks all the news has enlightened me of is that Terri Schiavo is dead and the Pope is dead. Umm. These 2 will forever be dead, understood. Let's move on. I need to know what is going on again Wolf Blitzer.
I bet now, Prince would rather be the President...
Your Host:
San Francisco, California, United States
fishin' with firearms