Banter? I just met her...
beware the axis-of-medieval
are my comments working
.i like the blue box
and in the morning the it tasted even better
i mean worse
give me mutton or give me death
after brushing with my new fangled electric toothbrush, I sometimes err to turn off the motor before I extract it from my mouth, which results in a whir of spray onto the sink and mirror
if the hovercraft became popular, would the wheel eventually go away
we used to all write poetry on Friday, now we dont
many crazy, exciting things are happening in my life right now but for the first time ever I feel no need or desire to post such mudanities within these white walls...
bus rides suck when you have to sit next to drunk, slobbering, talking to himself, shitty pants, stinko guy
W is going to make his first veto!
I love my niece so much...
as far as that goes, today is an especial day
Check out my YouTubes yo.
If I fell victim to the "no pass no play" NCAA sanction rule, I would choose to pass
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San Francisco, California, United States
fishin' with firearms